Your Picture is Worth a Thousand Words!

It's a fact: Faces are important. Human beings are visual creatures. We pick up clues from people's expression, body language, fashion sense (or absence of it ), and other things we may not even decode that are influencing our reaction to someone. How many times have you said that someone "creeped you out", but you didn't even know why. How many times have you felt yourself drawn to someone who wasn't "your type", but there was just "something about them". We are responding to physical cues even when we don't know we are, but they are important!

So, why wouldn't you put your picture up? You know how important physical appearance is. Aren't you usually picking someone yourself by, at least in part, how their photograph looks to you? I know there are sometimes good reasons not to post a picture. For example, you don't know how to post a photo (we can help you - click here to see how!), you are being hunted by the FBI (please go away), you don't want your ex-spouse to know you are on the net (friends have probably told her or him anyhow), or you don't think you look good in a photo and you don't want everyone to reject you.

That last reason is probably the most common one people have that gets in the way of posting a picture. While I'm sympathetic, I have to say that even a less than dashing picture is usually better than no picture at all. A lot of people will see more things to interest them in your picture than you do! They will see someone warm, or kind, or attractive according to their taste, even if you are not movie star good looking. Moreover, hopefully, they will see "the real you", not some picture that is completely wonderful and was taken when you were 10 years younger. Putting unrealistic pictures might indeed attract more hits, but who wants to be the person who sees a look of disappointment (or sheer horror) when someone meets you in person and expects your daughter (or son) rather than you!

One way to get around this fear of having people see your face is to take a little time and have a friend, relative or co-worker take a picture of you that is flattering, but not a lie. Take a picture that gives a hint of who you are. In fact, the best case scenario, take several pictures; some that show you at home, doing your favorite hobby, showing off your smile or your personality. A few different informal shots give way more clues about who you are than some professionally staged portrait, and when someone wants to meet you, there will be no icky surprises to have to deal with.

We've done the research here at , it's true: You will get 10 times more people emailing you if you use a picture. Sure, if you're Kate Winslet or Brad Pitt, you might worry that you will get a few too many responses. You just have to get over your shyness. Don't worry about your privacy; so what if friends find out you are on the market - it's 2009, over 50 million people are now online looking for a relationship! Additionally, unlike casual dating sites, anyone who is on  is hardly going to judge you badly! And use every opportunity you have to show who you really are. At , we work very hard to give an in-depth profile of your personality and help you show some of the activities and values that matter to you. But we need your help to do our very best for you. Provide us with a face to complement your words. Give yourself every chance you can to find your soul mate, the person who is going to love the way you look…to them!